Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Okay so I really have no idea what to write about. I feel like most stereotypes that I can think of are really common. I've done a little bit of thinking since after class on Monday, but I cannot come up with anything. I am really struggling but I don't necessarily have time to really think of something because the summary and response essay as well as the definitional argumentative essay will be due before we know it. If someone could jus throw some ideas out at me, I feel like maybe ill find something that sparks my interest. I am even stuck free writing about this. I feel like my brain is on a complete lock out mode, I just can't generate any ideas. The only stereotypes that pop in my head are stereotypes I see people in my family have, but they are not really stereotypes or conceptions that the world necessarily perceives in a wrong way. My family is from the islands so many of their perceptions are completely different than the ones that I see people have here in America which would probably make my research harder. One thing that is a problem in American is how un-opened a lot of Americans are to other cultures and other beliefs. I feel like Americans have the tendency to stereotype different types of people one way instead of taking the time to learn about their ways and have some type of understanding on why another culture may do something the way that they do it. I think it’s actually a disadvantage that other countries have focused so much on learning English because so many people believe in present day believe it is pointless to learn another language here in America because they expect for other nationalities to be able to learn and speak English. Okay I think I'm done with that, I just went off on a random tangent with all of that. Maybe I can talk about the whole little kids in pageants thing that has been more popular now. Or maybe I can see if there is anything relating to some of the random stereotypes that I see my family have. I’m not really sure what I’m going to do but I hope something hits me very soon.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Reading Like A Writer

Reading the assignment out of the textbook was more of a refesher. i had pretty much heard most of it before, but it is very easy to forget those types of things once you begin writing a paper. It is so easy to just focus on getting your thoughts, ideas, and/or research into your paper without thinking about what is the actual purpose of the writing or who is the paper directed towards. Factors like that can change the overall language of the writing and how the paper may be written. As far as the research portion of our upcoming paper, I haven't necessarily tried the techniques discussed in the text. I just decided to go onto Galileo and search my topic. Overall, I am actually having a hard time finding factual information on my topic and I really do not want to change it. The idea of critical reading discussed in the text didn't necessarily change my perspective on critical reading. It just made me realize how true the explaination of "critical reading" was. Most people truely do not memorize a text. They do in fact find the main idea of the text and pick out other important sub-ideas in the text and relate that to the overall theme of a work.